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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze pedagogiche e management della formazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile

Final Dissertation

The final examination corresponds to 12 CFUs and requires the drafting and oral discussion of an original paper, agreed upon with the Degree Programme lecturers on topics consistent with the educational path, the internship experience or other training activities, and the expected professional profiles.

Each student will draft his or her own dissertation under the guidance of the teacher who assigned the topic (supervisor). The supervisor may indicate in the form a co-supervisor who will assist him/her in following up on the student's drafting of the dissertation.

The final dissertation may be submitted, with the permission of the School, in a language other than Italian as long as the presentation is carried out in Italian.

Marks are awarded by a specially appointed committee.

Marks are awarded on the scale 0-110 and when the candidate achieves the highest mark and the dissertation shows innovative and original or other outstanding features, a "cum laude" honours may be awarded unanimously by the committee. The exam is considered passed with a minimum mark of 66/110. 

The Degree Programme provides incentives and additional graduation marks as a result of participation in specific institutional activities, such as Orientation and Placement or Adult Education Academy activities, duly attested and certified by the School's managers. 


More information can be found on the School's website.

last update: 20-Jan-2024
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