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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze pedagogiche e management della formazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Home page > Degree Programme > Admission Requirements for the Degree Programme

Admission Requirements for the Degree Programme

Applicants must hold a Bachelor's degree and have a knowledge of:

1) English language or at least one European Union language of level B2, certified by the University Language Centre or a body accredited by MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research); the certificate shall be submitted when the Clearance for enrolment request is submitted;

2) computer languages and tools in office automation software applications (Word, Excel, Power Point), the use of e-mail and the Web, certified by passing an exam or a qualifying examination corresponding to a minimum of 3 CFUs (ECTS credit points); such certification shall be submitted when requesting Clearance for enrolment.

Subject to meeting the requirements in points 1) and 2), graduates in class L19 (or 18 ex DM 509/99), will be granted direct access to the Degree Programme.

Graduates from the remaining classes may be admitted only if they possess at least 40 CFUs included in the following Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSDs): all Pedagogical Sectors; all Psychological Sectors; all SSDs that correspond to Subject-specific and Related disciplines included in the Academic Programme of the Degree Programme (BIO/07; L-ART/04, L-ART/05; ICAR/12, ICAR/15; M-DEA/01; M-FIL/01, M-FIL/02, M-FIL/03, M-FIL/04, M-FIL/05, M-FIL/06; M-STO/01, M-STO/02, MSTO/04, MSTO/ 05, M-STO/06, M-STO/08; SECSP/01, SECSP/02, SECSP/04, SECSP/06, SECSP/08, SECSP/10; SPS/04, SPS/08, SPS/09, SPS/11; IUS/10, IUS/14; MED/13, MED/42). In addition to the above mentioned sectors the following are included: M-EDF/01, M-EDF/02, SPS/01, SPS/02, SPS/03, SPS/07, SPS/10, SPS/12, IUS/08, IUS/09, IUS/12, IUS/13; SECSP/05.

Admission will not be granted below this threshold.

last update: 20-Jan-2024
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