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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze pedagogiche e management della formazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile

The results of the formative path

The interclass LM 57 and LM 85 LM8 in Sciences of Adult Education, Lifelong Learning and Pedagogical Sciences (n continuity with the two previous courses of which is the transformation) has a constant number of students enrolled in the first year. From historical data we can deduce a good power of attraction, both toward the Tuscan students as well as those of other regions.

Students residing outside the province are the 58.3% and students residing in another region are the 16.7%.  students coming from Tuscany (but not resident in Florence) are increasing (from 37.5% to 58.3%).

With regard to the educational outcomes and the progression of the career,

the data available have a framework substantially positive and improving, considered that it passes from 29% of students off course in 2011/12 to 17% in 2012/13. The dropout rate fell from 30 % in 2010/11 to 20 % in 2011/12 and the average of the acquired credits (CFUs) tends to rise and rose from 23.5 % in 2010/11 to 36,3 % in 2011/12.

The course of study, in line with the national legislation and in compliance with the procedures for Quality Assurance procedures, carries out a constant monitoring of the above data for a check on the progress of the course as a whole and in particular of the didactics delivered

Through the elaboration of a self-assessment document, the review report, carries out an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses and program concrete activities aimed to solve the criticalities pointed out in the course of the current management of didactics for the purposes of a real improvement in the quality of the courses. In the month of January 2014 was drawn up the report of the Annual Review.

last update: 23-May-2016
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