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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze pedagogiche e management della formazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile


The Internship training activity is considered a propulsive center between the student and the world of work. To this end, for  activating  an internship is necessary to consult beforehand  the internship database stage@nline in order to know the educational institutions, business canters, associations, public and private companies that hold y opened an agreement with the University of Florence.

The CFU allocated to the Internship are 3, corresponding to 75 hours of activities actually carried out in the workplace.

Before activating the internship, you requires an interview with Professor Vanna Boffo, Internship Delegate for the your Master’s degree

For the completion of practices, contact the Internship Office of the School of Humanities and Education (Area of Education), Mrs. Marilena Angeli and Mrs Silvia Mascherini

At the end of the internship activity,  it is necessary to present the report on the internship report (see diagram) to Prof. Vanna Boffo within 5 days before the exam.

More information is available on the website of the School of Humanities and Education.

Presentation in downloading is available.

last update: 24-May-2016
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